Under the Microscope - YoU! (Instructor Skills and Methodologies)
Price with CE: 54.00
Price without CE: 35.00
Under the Microscope - YoU! (Instructor Skills and Methodologies) Image
By: Gregory J. Keyes PhD CMC
ISBN# 978-1-935746-37-9
Course Description:
As a health-fitness professional you are constantly under the scrutiny of your clients and employers. As a result you must continually look at methods to enhance your ability to communicate, understand, and motivate your clients. This course shares a multitude of skills and knowledge that will help develop all who present or teach in group or one-on-one settings to ensure your professionalism remains "top of your game." Use these skills to provide an example of leadership that other health-fitness professionals want to emulate.

Education Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Successful completion of the quiz is necessary to receive Continuing Education Credit.
Approved for:
    0.3Action Personal Trainer Certification
    3.0American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
    1.5National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF)
    0.5National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT)
    3.0National Strength Professionals Association (NSPA)
New members register to subscribe. 5 year subscription includes future course revisions.

Continuing Education credit is included in the price of this course. This course is also available without CE credit at a reduced price. When you Log In, Register, or add the course to your cart choose with CE or without CE. If you purchase this course without CE credit but later decide you would like to earn the credit, there will be an additional fee to access the CE quiz.

If this course is not approved by your organization you can use the FLS Easy Petition Page to get approval for a FLS CE course. We make it EASY!

Course Objectives:
After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Learn the anatomy of the voice.
  2. Identify voice projection, articulation, and additional methodologies for voice use and care.
  3. Learn various methodologies of how to enhance your performance and presentation techniques.
  4. Learn nonverbal communication techniques including emergency communication signals and EZQ signals for land and water.
  5. Learn the Neuro Linguistic Recognition domains and how to balance them to create rapport with clients.
  6. Understand the role proxemics and body language plays in client rapport.
  7. Review some rapport creation methods.
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System Requirements to View This Course
This course can be viewed on a PC or MAC Computer